Friday, 30 October 2015

Residential Investment Opportunities and Risks in 50 German Cities

The German business journal Wirtschafts Woche has published an article "Wo Vermieter noch gut verdienen" comparing cities and regions assessing the risks and opportunities of investing in residential properties.
The article is in German and cotains a table that compares investment data for the 50 biggest German cities. The survey contains these data sets:
  • Gross starting yield
  • Average Purchase Price per m²
  • Net rent per m² per month
  • Price development
  • Price prognosis
  • Net Rent Development
  • Share of properties with more than 5% yield
  • Vacancy in %
  • Vacancy prognosis
Wirtschafts Woche comes to the conclusion that in the chase for better yields some investors are taking bigger risks, some without actual knowledge of the facts.
This table contains the above data with a color coded ranking for each criterion.

Larger View of Table
Click the table for a larger view

For property assessments of planned or existing investments feel free to contact me.


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