Sunday, 23 February 2020

Unofficial Free English Translation of the Rent Cap / Rent Freeze "Mietendeckel" Law as Published

This document is an unofficial translation of the Berlin Rent Cap / Rent Freeze Law known by the name “Mietendeckel” and it’s official title

Gesetz zur Neuregelung gesetzlicher Vorschriften zur Mietenbegrenzung 

It was published on the Journal of Laws and Ordinances for the State of Berlin on 22 February 2020 and came into force on the following day 23 February 2019.

This date is important to keep in mind when reading the text because it makes it much easier to understand when exchanging the phrase “date of entry into force” by the actual date.

Another phrase is “the effective date” which is the date the Berlin Senate announced the plan of the “Mietendeckel” law, it is 18 June 2019. Replacing the phrase by the date again makes it easier to understand.

I wanted to stay as close to the original text as possible to not obstruct the comparison of the language versions.

This translation has no official character and is free for personal use only. It does not constitute by any means legal advice in any form. The purpose is for non-German speakers to get an understanding of the content of the law and draw conclusions regarding actions to be taken and questions to be asked.

There is a tight timeline and most of the actions have to be taken as an initiative by the landlord. The first action is due by 23 April and the next one 23 November 2020.x

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