Monday, 8 August 2016

Real Estate Market in Berlin and Germany - Outlook After Brexit

The outcome of the UK referendum on membership in the European Union (i.e. the vote to exit the union known as Brexit has led to many discussions and wild speculations regarding the impact this will have on the economies of the UK and indeed the remaining EU members. Most statements and predictions are based more on emotions than economic facts but emotions have a significant impact on market developments as we see demonstrated by the global financial markets every day.

A clear economic downturn in the UK and political reactions to this development have already manifested themselves.

Alongside financial services, the property market in the UK has been a destination for international investors. There are uncertainties linked to Brexit with regard toall aspects of how and when the procedures will start and what the impact on investments will be. There already are negative risk aspects attached to investments in the UK without any decision actually having been made. This will cause a diversion of investments to other destinations in Europe. On a city level the winners will most likely be Frankfurt, Berlin, Paris, Luxembourg, Dublin and Amsterdam. On a country level the biggest winner is most likely Germany. This is the conclusion a recent study made by Cushman & Wakefield comes to:

Our market observation in Berlin confirms this development as we see an increased activity by international investors from large residential property package deals in the housing market to investments in commercial and development properties.

For information on current investment opportunities in all property market segments in Berlin please contact us using the contact facility on our website:

